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Soil Profiling

Soil Profiling

The soil profile is one of the most important concepts in soil science. It is a key to understanding the processes that have taken in soil development and is the means of determining the types of soil that occur and is the basis for their classification.


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The soil profile is defined as a vertical section of the soil from the ground surface downwards to where the soil meets the underlying rock. The soil profile can be as little as 10 cm thick in immature soils and as deep as several metres in tropical areas where the climate is conducive to rapid alteration of the underlying rock to form soil. In temperate areas, the soil profile is often around a metre deep and in arid areas somewhat shallower than this.


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Soil Profiling Activity

In this activity, we are required to accomplish our own soil profile or to experience and actually see the different components and properties of each horizon.


This  power point presentation  summarizes all our data in this activity.

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